
"What colors are this dress?"

The completely random internet debate went viral within a couple of hours. It all started when a user on a social media blog site called "Tumblr" posted a picture of a dress. The reason why this dress has received so much controversy is because to some, the dress appears black and blue. While the others claim they see the colors white and gold.  Either side seems to feel very confident with what they are seeing right before their eyes.

At first I thought the whole thing was a joke, then I thought people were just being plain ridiculous. Even celebrities are being pulled into the social media craze.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I've been staring at it for a good ten minutes wasting my precious time. All I see is blue and black, the color of my knees after dance practice. I'm pretty sure it's what I see, although it frustrates me that my Twitter feed is covered in the opposite opinion. It looks as though the majority sees white and gold.

I continued to read about the mystery until I came across this, which I knew was a spoof when I saw it. It is simply someone looking for attention. They are quite clever.

So, what is the answer to the mystery? What do you see?


For those of you who have never heard of it, Scratch is a website where you can program little things with color-coded blocks. It's easy to use, and I am a regular user on this site. I build these little games:

"Quotes" (Part 2)

Since you have asked, I have answered. Here are some more quotes.