
Dimensional Travel Log 007

If you have found this log, then you may have noticed how damaged it is at this point. Logs 5 and 6 have been lost, after fleeing from the beings mentioned in log 4. I may not have much room for any more logs, unfortunately- the damage to this journal is so extensive, many of the pages in the back have either been torn out or rendered unusable.

It has been many years since I have left my home and traveled across dimensions. Figures that after all this time, my device has finally failed me. I had finally located the coordinates of my homeworld, but circumstances had messed with my device and threw me into the fabric between. I was left drifting for what I estimate to be 6 weeks, before I woke up in a strange location. The room I woke up in seemed dead, with all the life drained from the surfaces. No color, just white. In the back of the room stood a crystal, however shattered. In fact, the crystal was shatterING- It was half-exploded, particles floating in the air, as if they were stranded in time. Could this be what happens to worlds when they die? I decided to head upstairs to try to find out more of my surroundings.

A girl with storms in her eyes

They think I am small
I am insignificant
I am careless
I am odd…
They think I am not competition.

I am actually strong willed
I am determined
I am prudent
I am my own person…
I am actually a force to be reckoned with.

In photos I may be brown eyed
May have dark brown hair
May not be flawless
May not look blank…
so they think I am not competition

I am actually a girl with storms in her eyes
A girl with flaws
A girl with thoughts
A girl with a mind of her own…
I am actually a girl with a past that she is not afraid of,
 Looking to a future she can see.