

   Some people think of basketball as a hobby, sport, game, activity, or time filler. To me, basketball is so much more than that. I play because I choose to. I choose to because I want to get better. I want to get better because I want somebody to ask me, "do you have any passions?" And me be able to say, "Basketball." 
    I go to the gym everyday. I put blood, sweat, and tears into it, literally. I work hard and play harder, because that's what I love to do, and when you love something, you don't just sit around and talk about it. You take actions into your own hands and show people that your not joking around. You do what you love and love what you do.


After a few weeks of inactivity and overdue work, I'm finally back in the group. I was stuck in science with 3 or 4 missing labs that I had to do over my PAT class. Thankfully, because of the grading day on Halloween, those assignments have been rendered moot. So now, I'm finally here. Sorry I'm late...

Six word memoir

Doing things right becomes a habit

Do things right the first time

Quit once, Quitting becomes a habit

Six-word Memoirs

The same, and yet completely different.http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ed/fd/4d/edfd4d9658d201fdb287daf47e2c59af.jpg