
Dimensional Travel Log 002

Now, in my explanation of inter-world travel, I mentioned that I transfer myself into data and transmit myself across worlds. This brings me into my second important fact of all worlds. See, these worlds are made of a specific code, not much different to the binary of your world. But while you represent your binary as a series of 0s and 1s, that is not how it is represented, as many worlds have no 0 or 1. And yet, that may be the best analogy I can use to explain the base material of all existence. A question you may be asking at this point is "can we use this fact to manipulate this world?" Yes and no. No, because your world has no means of manipulation. In fact, only one world has ever had the ability to manipulate this code, but this world has died out long ago. And yet, what this world had discovered was truly remarkable- not only had they discovered that the world was made up of what was basically 0s and 1s, they also found a separate, "dark matter" of code, if you will- While they shared the base unit of nothing, 0, instead of using a 1, they used a -1. This is what is known as Anticode.