
Williams College Reunion: Part 2

I don't think anyone's actually reading this anymore. But anyway...

So after waking up surprisingly early while suffering from jet lag, we got breakfast at the Mission Park dining hall, then lined up for the alumni parade down Rt. 2 and Spring St, stopping traffic as we walked down in front of our class banner dressed in purple and gold, Williams' colors. (Yeah, they match our high school colors too) At the end, our mom walked down to a class meeting and we sat on a bench. We then checked out the town, and took a bathroom break in the Science library.

Afterwards, we had lunch with the other alumni, I had a turkey sandwich that was at least edible, and I just sat and played on my 3DS while our parents talked about matters I couldn't comprehend and my brother slowly threw a tantrum over his game. We then ate some free gelato and walked down to the Clark Art Institute.

The back of the Sterling and Francine Clark Institute
They had a special exhibit on Van Gogh; specifically, his nature works. I finally figured out how to appreciate fine art at this moment- I just look closely into the painting, at each of the individual brushstrokes, then zoom out and take in the scenery. Rinse and repeat until everyone's moved on. I feel like I understand art a little bit more, but I still don't feel moved enough by it. I dunno, my video game lifestyle makes me crave art that's more interactive. Afterwards, we headed back, ate some paid gelato, and rested our jet-lagged bodies until dinner.

By this point, our parents had a dinner party to go to, and we weren't invited. There was this kids thing going on, where kids would be playing a few generic board games, watching movies we've already seen, outdoors things, some other things I can't think of, and capture the flag. I found this as the opportunity to make a whole bunch of Team Fortress 2 jokes, so I decided to watch. Ultimately though, the action was kinda fragmented, and I never got to shout out "capture the intelligence" or "need a dispenser here" once. But I got to talk with some of the other college students, and that was fun. Apparently, one of the professors (I unfortunately forget his name) worked on certain aspects of Skylanders. That game with the portal of power and the toys We then walked back, it was late, and there thankfully wasn't a tornado siren that night.

On another note...