
"What colors are this dress?"

The completely random internet debate went viral within a couple of hours. It all started when a user on a social media blog site called "Tumblr" posted a picture of a dress. The reason why this dress has received so much controversy is because to some, the dress appears black and blue. While the others claim they see the colors white and gold.  Either side seems to feel very confident with what they are seeing right before their eyes.

At first I thought the whole thing was a joke, then I thought people were just being plain ridiculous. Even celebrities are being pulled into the social media craze.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I've been staring at it for a good ten minutes wasting my precious time. All I see is blue and black, the color of my knees after dance practice. I'm pretty sure it's what I see, although it frustrates me that my Twitter feed is covered in the opposite opinion. It looks as though the majority sees white and gold.

I continued to read about the mystery until I came across this, which I knew was a spoof when I saw it. It is simply someone looking for attention. They are quite clever.

So, what is the answer to the mystery? What do you see?


  1. I see white and gold. When my wife Pam came into the room, she saw black and blue, but now see gold and bluish-white.

  2. I'll have to test if that statement is true. I'll have to check this post on one of those days when I feel like I did in 5th grade and see if it changes. For now, it looks brown and light-blue. A little bit of both.

    1. Oh, and don't ask about the whole 5th grade thing. I really don't want to talk about it.

  3. Well, something came up that depressed me; first thing I did was come to this image to check if anything changed. Doesn't seem like it. Which is odd. If it appears blue and black because we're sad and depressed, then is it strange that I can't see it for that color? I doubt the worth of my existence, so why don't I see it in that color? And yet, for all I know, you don't doubt the worth of your existence. So, maybe it's another factor?

    Also, I see a pattern emerging. You see it in black. The above commenter sees it in white. The above commenter's wife saw it in black. I kinda see it in white. My dad sees it in white. My mom sees it in black. From all I can see from this pattern, there's a slight possibility that gender may have an influence. I've heard in biology that different genders see things in slightly different colors, so maybe that could be one thing. On the other hand, maybe not so. My grandmother sees it in blue and brown, much like I do. But is that the same as saying that it's in white and tan?

    ...Only one solution. Time to put this through my computer and put the two colors directly side-by-side to see if we change perception that way.

  4. I've uploaded an image onto our cloud storage. Can't put it here; it gives away our real names. And we can't have that happening.

  5. I am going to throw a curve to your gender theory for I totally see it as snow white and gold. No blue or black at all and blue is my favorite color. Makes you wonder. I read somewhere that people who see it as white have fewer cones that see blue. Very interesting.

    1. Actually, I've held my gender theory in doubt recently. My brother sees it in blue/black, so it's probably not gender-based. I think that in the end, this has to do with the different amount of color receptors in people's eyes.
