
My Dream Job

 Everyone asks what I want to do when I'm older. They say everyone has a dream job even if they don't want to share it. Well, I don't think that's true. I have no idea what I want to do.

Why is there so much pressure to know what you want to do when your older? I have dreams, and they are for the future, but they are not for after high school. One of my biggest dreams is to become a level 10 in gymnastics. That is a pretty far goal and even my parents don't know it is that possible. Especially because our head coach is going to move, we just don't know how soon. This is my dream, I don't care if I am a senior in high school when I get there.

As for my future, I wish there wasn't so much pressure on my shoulders to decide what I want to do. This week we are forecasting for next year. Everyone says to pick classes (in high school) that will help me for college and help my future. What classes am I supposed to pick if I don't know what my future will hold? 

Hopefully my mind will make up what it wants to do before its too late.

So I've Figured Out What I Want to Do...

My sister wants to be an engineer. My dad was a lawyer. My mom is a doctor. But all I want to do is own a coffee shop.

I know dreams are not always supposed to be reached: they are something to hold on to and to hope for until reality catches up with you. I used to have lots of those dreams, like being an Olympic gymnast or inventing something that would change the world forever. Maybe winning the Nobel peace prize. But the thing is, my sister will reach her dream, she will become an engineer. At least I know she has the capability. And that's when I realized; if she can achieve hers, why shouldn't I get mine?

I want to create a space that is inviting. Like being wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket in front of the fireplace after being outside in a snowstorm. A place where people go when they need to think, or they need to escape. Because life is stress, and if I can create something that helps just one person, I want to do it. There will be big armchairs and fluffy pillows and lights strung all across the walls that are always on. A safe haven, that's what I want it to feel like.

But then I feel like there will always be someone going "Wow, she wasted her intelligence and her opportunity to really impact the world on a coffee shop." It may sound silly, but the way you touch peoples' lives is your impact on the world. A smile as you hand them a cup of hot chocolate, even just providing a place of peace. I've realized that the only thing I need to be is happy. I don't need to be another person's idea of success, I don't need to be a fancy engineer or a doctor or a lawyer.

I just need to be me.

And I am that coffee shop.