
The End-Of-Year Slump

Well, I've reached that point in the year. I now call it the "End-Of-Year Slump". Every year, for reasons I fail to understand, I start becoming lethargic in all my classes, with grades dropping to the bare minimum. I also start to inflict injuries on myself (usually the head) around this time of year. Of course, the Slump's effects never really occur in that order. While the first slump of mine began in the 7th grade, and the self-injury began the year after, my first recollection of something resembling the Slump's effects happened in the 5th grade. Please, don't ask. It wasn't a pretty moment, and I haven't truly recovered. Of course, maybe the reason I couldn't recognize the Slump any other years before is both because my work ethic was spotty the entire year between the 2nd and 6th grades, and the fact that they only started giving us access to our grades in the 7th grade onwards.

My 7th grade year's slump was, while quite tame on the physical harm side, quite harrowing on the gradebook side. For one, my grade in Social Studies was an IP (our system's new term for a D). I managed to get some work in, but not enough. To save myself, I had to cash in all the extra credit slips I had been stocking up on over the year. Figures as much that in my 8th grade year, they abolished the extra credit system altogether. My grades in the 8th grade were on a similar note, although I was able to salvage them all (except PE, which was stuck on a B). However, I was noticeably stressed after PE in my 1st period, notably because in my next period, band, I would just hole myself up in my corner and repeatedly bash my head in with a music stand. This usually continued through 3rd period. The end of the year was probably my least-favorite and most anti-climatic end of the year I've had to date. It'll be that way for some time, since I'm missing the end of this year for a Williams College alumni meeting my mom is attending. I felt quite depressed at the end of the year. Now that the year had ended, I would just fade into the shadows once again until fall rolled around and I got involved in whatever the heck a forensics is. (I no longer regret making that decision, but I still couldn't live with myself if I had to repeat what I've went through)