

Starting last year, I've kept a book that I call my "Quote book" with me at all times.
If someone says something funny, I write it down.
If someone says something interesting, I write it down.
I've found that they are quite fun to look through and read, and remember all of the "had-to-have-been-there" moments.
What I also like about it is I can hold it against my teachers and peers. They say a lot of things, and a lot of times they don't realize what they are saying.
Mr. Parrish, my English teacher, is now sure to be extra careful about what he says in 7th Period.

"I eat caterpillars."
-Mr. Parrish

"Nothing on your phone is more interesting than me."
-Mr. Line

"If you don't know how to do it, do it wrong. Do it TOTALLY wrong."
-Mr. Guthrie

"I'm too strong to yawn."
-Sr. Montiel

"Order is beautiful."
-Mr. Miles

Ask me about my quote book for more!


Rapid's Oratory- The Threat to Net Neutrality

Welcome to another edition of forensics with Rapid, the world's fastest Emboar Trickmaster. Today, we have an oratory speech- The goal of this speech is to persuade people to take an action. I hope this speech persuades you all to take action against the removal of net neutrality. Enjoy~

Let us take a moment to reflect on how amazing the internet is. How awesome it is that you can type in a few words, and a few clicks of a mouse later, you have access to your favorite meme database. However, a new threat has risen concerning net neutrality, a series of laws that keep prevent internet providers from taking too much control. The internet is an equal society, but if the delicate balance of powers is lost, your lolcat can kiss it’s cheezburger goodbye. And that’s what will happen soon, thanks to a courtroom case in January. Due to a technicality brought up in court on January 2014, internet providers may soon have the power to control what we can see on the internet. The internet is supposed to be a free and open place! But the big question we should ask here is- How can we save our internet? Here, I will explain the basics of net neutrality, the big threat to net neutrality, and how we can save net neutrality. We must protect our internet. We must preserve net neutrality.

Profile: ♥︎Alice♥︎

I'm a Junior

I'm a dancer

I'm a writer

I'm a organizer

I'm a helper

I'm a photographer

I'm a music-lover

I'm a lazy teenager

I'm a procrastinator

I make mistakes


I'm a creator

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. if you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it."
-Michael Jordan

This quote speaks to me because it was created by my role model and something like this almost writes my life for me. I strive to push myself everyday and make myself better.