
"Quotes" (Part 2)

Since you have asked, I have answered. Here are some more quotes.

Student: "If it's so easy, why do we have to do it?"

Mr. Guthrie: "Did you breathe today?"
Student: "Yeah?"
Mr. Guthrie: "Pretty easy, wasn't it? Don't stop.."

"If I'm going to hell for something, it's for being a gentle grader." -Mr. Parrish
"A little rain must fall on us all." -Mr. Line

"If you're gonna be here, just go to class. You might do something crazy, like graduate!" -Mr. Line

"You should be an English teacher, too, because you look all tired all the time." -Mr. Parrish

"Under all the clothes and hair-do's, you're the same boring person you were an hour ago." -Mr. Guthrie

"There's only one way to learn. Start learnin'." -Mr. Parrish

"We're here, we're breathing, life is good!" -Mr. Cellura
"If anyone else wants to bring me food.. it's good for your grade!" -Mr. Line

"What're you guys gonna talk about when you're all living under the bridge? You won't even get reception on your Wi-Fi's!" -Mr. Parrish

"Being a beaver fan is like slamming your hand in a drawer." -Mr. Line

"Your education is something that you do to yourself." -Mr. Parrish

"Family is family. Doesn't matter how it happened." -Mr. Line

There are PLENTY more where that came from.

1 comment:

  1. Please post more. I love reading these to my co-workers! Some of us had Mr. Parrish as a teacher our selves!!
