
A Little Self-Rant on My Self-Deprecation

First, I'd like to talk about how I know what I'm bringing upon myself by writing this. I feel that half of the pain of depression is the depression itself; the other half is dealing with the people around you. You can't simply tell people that you're depressed. Otherwise, you just get an empty lecture that doesn't really mean anything to you about optimism, happiness, etc. In reality, you can't really stop depression. It's an all-consuming void, sometimes altering your logic in the case where I seem to want to cause even more harm to myself. At least, this is my case. I know that everyone’s just going to tell me to stop harming myself like this as if you can just flip a switch and end it. Heh… It’s really that easy, isn’t it? That’s why I don’t let anyone know or try to help me. It’s just as Hyperbole and a Half describes it- It’s like I’ve got a pair of dead fish, but everyone ignores that fact and tries to go find them or something. So please, don’t talk to me about this. I know what you’re going to try to say, and I honestly am not really interested.

My Little Alien

Since I was around eleven years old, I've had what's called a "Ganglion Cyst" on the top of my left wrist. The first time I noticed it, I thought it was a bone, but it clearly wasn't. So I went to the doctor. 

WARNING.. slightly graphic descriptions and images below. Click 'read more' if you don't have a weak stomach.