

For those of you who have never heard of it, Scratch is a website where you can program little things with color-coded blocks. It's easy to use, and I am a regular user on this site. I build these little games:

Above is one of my older projects. It's a little game where you use the arrow keys to defend a planet from many encroaching meteors. It's small, it's simplistic, it's nothing too special. This is a game that I made a year ago. I'm learning, though. Over time, I made bigger and more complex games. My most recent creation, Color Warfare, is my best one yet:

There's a lot more to this game. Sounds, effects, etc. But it's still kinda broken. The spawning system is crazy as heck- one of the reasons that this game took so long to finish is because of how fast everything was spawning, and how hard it was to strike a difficulty balance. That will be fixed in the sequel.

I've been on Scratch for over a year now. It took me 9 months to reach full-on Scratcher status. Ultimately, this is a bit of a hobby of mine, when I'm not playing video games. Eventually, I'll try to teach myself Objective C, Python, Javascript, whatever code I want to learn. I hope to program better games. Probably an RPG, like Final Fantasy. I'll get there. Soon, I'll be releasing a new project, probably in a few months. It's been in the workings for most of this year, and I'm pretty close to completion. When the final project comes out, I'll post it up here so you guys can check it out. For now, I'll leave a little demo for you guys to try out:

If you want to check out more of what I've worked on, you can check out my Scratch profile here.


  1. Replies
    1. Which one? That's not bad even on Color Warfare Plus. Color Warfare is hard on purpose.

  2. I am impressed. I am waiting for you to create a phone app of some sort. You would be able to finance college without even trying.

    1. Maybe. I can definitely say here that Color Warfare will not be ported to smartphones. You see, there's a lot of complications with it. Your thumbs take up too much of the screen, and to control it would require... *goes on rant for about 15 seconds before getting brickshotted by a sniper*

    2. That one guy needs to stop following me. I think it's the same guy every time.
