
What is the Hardest Sport? (A Rant)

  1. sport
  1. 1.
    an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

There are not too many things in this world that I have strong opinions about, and here is one of them.
Let me ask you a question.
What do you think is the most difficult and taxing sport to participate in?
...Is it the sport that you're currently in?
In my opinion, you simply cannot truly know the answer to this question unless you are a human beast, and have tried every single sport.
Image result for is chess a sport
Chess is, in fact, a sport.
You cannot say, "Well fishing is easy, all you do is sit there and wait for a bite."
You cannot say, "Basketball isn't the hardest, because all you have to do is aim and shoot."
You cannot say, "Dance isn't even a sport. All you do is dance around and wear makeup."
So what is the answer to the question?
The "all-knowing" Google says that the hardest sport is gymnastics.
I believe that gymnastics is hard, but I can't tell you the real and complete answer because I've only done four sports out of around eight thousand. In addition, there are other variables that play into this. There are very few people who go one hundred percent from the beginning to the end of practice.
Also, every bodies bodies are different and it might be easier for you to run a mile than it is for someone else. That's just the way we are.
So what is the hardest sport?
The world may never know.