
Only Lines

My fingerprint is not me
It is my identification, but it is not my identity
You don't see my blonde hair or my blue eyes
You don't know me
From just my fingerprint
You can not see my struggles or my mistakes
Only lines
Clean and untainted
Not me

Inside Beauty

                                     To describe It would be a waste of time,
                                     One word can not sum up It's inner beauty,

                                       I am who I am and who I am, I am me.
                                 To say It is unique would give It too much credit,

                                 To say It is terrible wouldn't give it enough credit,

                                                  It has beauty, inner beauty
                                     Shining bright for the whole world to see

My Fingerprint

 My fingerprint is an imprint of my life,
full of wrong turns, and full of ups and downs.
There is no clear ending, but I guess that is life,
you don't know where you are going or where you are going to end up.
All I see when I look at my fingerprint is the past and what has made me, me.

Blurred Lines

The lines are blurred and I see nothing

There's nothing

blurred lines

Just lines

Blurred lines

Lines that mean everything

and nothing

Blurred lines