

 I procrastinate a lot. And I'm lazy too. I do sports that take up a lot of my time all year long, so I'm tired a lot. I get stressed because of the homework I have and the time I don't have. sometimes I feel like I want to give up, not do anything for just a month but then I'd be bored out of my mind and I like to do sports with my friends. They keep me in line even if they don't know it. when I look at my fingerprint, I see a rainbow (because I colored it that way) and its upside down so all I can do is describe myself.

The Season of the Holidays

Starting sometime in November, the holiday season officially begins as nog is distributed in stores. The shelf time dedicated to nog is known as the Season of Nog.

Eventually, we soon enter the Season of Thanksgiving. Turkey, pie, cranberries... Full of delicious food with so much variety that no one is left out. Unless, of course, you don't like vegetables, you're a vegetarian, and you don't like pie all at once. Of course, the chances of that are slim. I've yet to meet a human being who doesn't like pumpkin pie.

Christmas Miracles

      I was on the way to school this morning, and my mom decided to stop and get gas at Chevron. as we were getting gas I looked out at the main street and saw Christmas decorations on the light post. now that I think about it, I remember seeing some one with their Christmas lights up and lit, in NOVEMBER! I like Christmas as much as the next guy, but it's almost like it's a competition for the people in this town to see who can put their decorations up first. My mom even said she wants to go buy a tree right after thanksgiving. Again, it's NOVEMBER! I think people should wait until December 1st, almost to keep them on edge, and make the moment of getting the tree more special. My family is mostly German, and that's one part of Christmas that I like, the family and the German food. The slow cooked pork and the potato balls and all the German candy, (Germans make the best milk chocolate.) But  I just wish that Christmas would come sooner.