
My Little Alien

Since I was around eleven years old, I've had what's called a "Ganglion Cyst" on the top of my left wrist. The first time I noticed it, I thought it was a bone, but it clearly wasn't. So I went to the doctor. 

WARNING.. slightly graphic descriptions and images below. Click 'read more' if you don't have a weak stomach. 

The doctor told me what it was, and on the same day, gave me the option of getting it drained. When I did this, it wasn't painful at all, and it was very simple. In fact, I watched it all happen. The doctor numbed the area on my wrist and stuck a needle-type-of-thing (Excuse my lack of basic medical terms) in the top of the cyst and sucked the joint fluid out. After he did this, I went home and forgot about it for a while. Until one day, a couple months later, I noticed it was back again. 

I went back to the doctor and he gave me the option of a surgery procedure where they would go in and cut the cyst out. I agreed to go on with the surgery and it was successful for a time. Until around a year later, when it came back AGAIN. A year later, I tried out for the high school dance team and was accepted, leaving me wondering what I would do with the cyst because it limited full movement of my wrist.

I decided to try getting it drained again, which was when the cyst caused me any pain for the first time. It was excruciating when the numbing sensation wore off, and I believe this was the worst pain I've ever been in, I hoped it was worth it. Unfortunately, a couple months later it returned again. It does occasionally cause me a lot of pain, but I have learned to cope with the little alien on my wrist.   

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