
Districts Results

First, I'd like to say that this was the earliest a tournament has ended. I am posting to you right now just after the end of the tournament, specifically 6:22 PM. By the time I exited the doors, it was 6:00 exact. It's still daylight.

Unfortunately, no awards for expos. There weren't any finals, so I don't really know how well I did on it. However, what you see here is a first place trophy for radio. This is the only first place award I've gotten in my less-than-one-year forensics career. You can mouseover to see my thoughts on the matter. (Saying this because no one will figure it out if I don't say something)

Ultimately, the team did pretty well- I heard from coach that someone said that we swept the tournament, which is awesome.

All-in-all, with the extremely relaxed feeling with only four teams, and the early ending, I'd say this is my best tournament yet. I'll be heading to state next, but that's gonna be a while. During that while, I'll be resting up. Sitting down makes my legs hurt so much...

Regular posting will return from me soon, when I can think of something to write, as usual. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who supported me, great job to our forensics team, and thanks to everyone who attended the tournament! (If you're reading this)

EDIT: Just got my ballots for my non-final rounds. I placed first in every single round, I got the maximum speaker point value of 50 from one judge, 49 speaker points from two other judges, and 46 from one other judge. This isn't a novice round- I was against people with more experience than I have. I guess this means that I should be able to hold my own in State two weeks from now.

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