
The Thing With Society

           In life, we are little red riding hood, and the society is the big bad wolf.


          In class we discuss how "the body is like a canvas" but aren't canvas' supposed to be filled with art?

          Because instead of accepting and appreciating the art, we Laugh at a girl because her form of art is a birthmark covering half her face. Or the boy who was attacked by a dog and his form of art is  2 four inch scars running down his neck.

            We say that art is a part of life, but only accept certain forms. We act as though, if our world was an art museum. for it to be close to any definition of perfect, Everything would be white. The walls, the canvas', everything. and they'd all be the same size. A perfect square.

              But is it our fault? Is it our fault that we where raised in  this society?  That this is how we've came to be?

             In my opinion... No.

             You see, that's the thing with society. We judge, because someone once judged us.


              We refuse to love, because someone once refused to love us.


               And in the end, some decide they're not worth it. because once, someone told them they weren't.

               So who's fault is it?


              Or society's?


  1. I've always noticed a pattern with society- Why is it that we want everyone to be exactly the same? People need to look the same. We need to think the same. We state that we enjoy diversity and freedom of belief. And yet, we discriminate based on our skin, even sometimes today. We kill each other, all in the name of our belief on how this world is governed. The beauty of art is in creativity and originality. We like art that is different. Why are we so hypocritical? Maybe we just don't understand the beauty of humanity, much as I sometimes don't understand the beauty of art. But other people call art beautiful, so I simply say that I'm not sophisticated to understand it. Maybe that's the answer. We just think we're not sophisticated to understand, and go with the general consensus.

  2. Dormouse,
    I hope people reading what you have to say take time to really think about the questions you bring to the forefront. Sometimes I believe people don't mean to be so distant or judgmental, but they seem to do things that require less time from them, so they don't THINK about others, they only reflect themselves. This makes sense to me because they can appreciate art ( which is a very personal thing- they make sense of the beauty of the art from their own experiences) but they cannot appreciate others except through their own perspective.
    If we really looked and saw others as who they are rather as a reflection of what we believe them to be it would be a very different world. How sad that society wants us to be so quick with everything- technology, information, answers, service and there is no value for a quiet thoughtful consideration of the value of others.
