
Dear Curious Random Person,

Thank you for being a curious enough person to open this letter up, and read it, rather than throwing it away. If you are an excellent English student, please excuse my bad grammar.
This letter is not for a project, nor an assignment. I am simply doing this as an experiment, for fun. I do things like this often. Out of the (who knows how many) students at (our school name), I am wondering what kind of person you are. Are you a boy or a girl? How old are you? What do you like to do? Do you like to watch movies? Play sports? To read? To dissect animals?
I am already starting to weird you out… shoot.
Let’s start over.

I am a random person.
You are too.
Let’s be friends. (If that’s not too weird.)
If you don’t want to be friends, (Or are extremely un-intrigued by this letter,) that’s fine. But if you could help me by closing up this letter again for someone else to find, that’d be great.
On the other hand, if you are curious and want to proceed further, please do bear with me. (And please note that I don’t speak like this in real life, I am just in a philosophical mood.)
You can reply by following these simple steps:
  1. Write a reply letter on any old piece of paper, however you want, just don’t be too brief. (That is one of my pet peeves.)
  2.  Be yourself. I don’t want to know a made-up person.
  3. Fold up the letter, and put it in between the two books that I wrote the names of on the back of this letter.
  4. Check every now and then for a reply from me.
  5. Repeat.
  6. Dang I have a lot of rules…
 Goodbye for now

Last year, I had this idea to write the letter above and place it in various places around the school where people could find it. Every day, I would print out copies and check in the library for replies. It went pretty well, for the most part. I made many new friends that I still hang out with today. It was a fun social experiment, and I hope to do more things like this in the future. 


  1. Your mannerism of speaking in your letters sounded kinda like mine. Especially the use of "random person". Of course, your speech was much more socially open than mine.

  2. This is amazing! Did you actually give it to someone!?

  3. Oh...I guess I didn't read the whole story. Got it now! It would be awesome to read some responses. Great idea!

  4. I love this idea! I just might use it in my classroom...I teach young students. What a great way to meet new people, and to allow them to be open, honest, and brave!
