
Dimensional Travel Log 007

If you have found this log, then you may have noticed how damaged it is at this point. Logs 5 and 6 have been lost, after fleeing from the beings mentioned in log 4. I may not have much room for any more logs, unfortunately- the damage to this journal is so extensive, many of the pages in the back have either been torn out or rendered unusable.

It has been many years since I have left my home and traveled across dimensions. Figures that after all this time, my device has finally failed me. I had finally located the coordinates of my homeworld, but circumstances had messed with my device and threw me into the fabric between. I was left drifting for what I estimate to be 6 weeks, before I woke up in a strange location. The room I woke up in seemed dead, with all the life drained from the surfaces. No color, just white. In the back of the room stood a crystal, however shattered. In fact, the crystal was shatterING- It was half-exploded, particles floating in the air, as if they were stranded in time. Could this be what happens to worlds when they die? I decided to head upstairs to try to find out more of my surroundings.

It has been a few hours at this point... If time actually passes here. I've discovered much about the story of this strange place. This was a grand castle of some kind, with architecture defying that of regular logic. Corridors flowed in mid-air, surrounding the castle. Little bridges, looking as if they would break away from the castle at any moment. Naturally, the state of this world kept them together, but still curious, I investigated to figure out how this castle would had kept together in a real-world circumstance. I figured out how- Underneath, little disks of anticode held them in place, stasised as such that even their time was still. Inside, there were many hallways, and rooms that I had no idea if they even served a purpose, or if they were just there in case someone needed them for anything. But the most intriguing thing I learned about this world was it's story. I had found records in one of this castle's many libraries, documenting events that were both terrifying and sorrowful. The original ruler of this castle was a wise and just ruler. He had ruled over an advanced civilization that had somehow learned the art of the code of all worlds. The crystal stored below held all the data for the world intact. This must explain the deadened state of this world now... However, fate changed when his cousin, hungry for power, devised a plan for usurping power. He took a role close to this ruler in power, a role which was unfortunately left out, as if it was common knowledge. When the people here first discovered the ability of dimensional travel, it was this man that was the first to visit another world. Soon, he decided that he could use this to take control. He instigated a war between another world, which this world had shared it's knowledge of dimensional travel. This knowledge spread to many worlds... But they all ended up with no choice but to fight this other world. The ruler of this world attempted to quell these riots through peaceful methods, but his cousin simply threw accusations that he was allied with these worlds, and that he would betray his people. Eventually, he falsely accused his family of spearheading some of these riots... In the end, the ruler's wife and daughter were brutally executed, as this book speculates. In reality, all speculation was silenced by this government. In the end, the cousin took control, and the original ruler was forced into hiding. The new ruler was brutal and vicious, beginning a reign of terror and starting Wait, is that that one thing where "The War of 1000 Worlds". He had declared war over all worlds in an attempt for conquest, and with superior anticode technology, he was winning. He would have taken over the entire multiverse, until the previous ruler made one final attempt for revenge. In an attempt to rid the multiverse of the world which his cousin had tainted with greed, the world's core was shattered.

And yet, there is one thing I don't understand- why this book talks about subjects that were silenced, how this book knows of certain events that none should have known about, and why this book even talks about the destruction of the world in the first place. There is no author, names are left out, this book is missing much from the whole story.

And so now I must put this log down. If anyone finds this, you must keep these secrets hidden. However, there may be a time when everyone must know about the secrets I have uncovered. Mistakes were made a long time ago; we must never repeat them. If we do... I wouldn't wish to live to see these consequences.

I may write more if I have the time and space. However, my time grows short. My device is dead, there is no way out of here.

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