
The Situation With E3

And one more thing before I go.

Now, if you keep up with gaming news, you probably have heard about E3. For those of you who have no idea about what I'm talking about (Most likely all of you), E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo, where big gaming reveals are made and people get to try out demos of the new games before they're released.

One thing that has sparked much controversy is Nintendo's E3 presentation. In my opinion, it was okay. As usual, Nintendo put on an entertaining show with their second Nintendo World Championships, the first one after 25 years. For their Digital Event, they used puppets, which was fun.

But I'm not here to talk about puppets. Everyone agrees that Nintendo's E3 wasn't really the best one. There was a relative lack of new announcements, and while many of the games looked fun, there wasn't really anything as groundbreaking as Splatoon last year. But last year's performance was a tough one to follow. However, out of a mere sub-par performance, half of the Nintendo community has erupted into an overreactive flame. Many say that the Wii U and Nintendo are dying or already dead. Many are petitioning for the cancelation of the most controversial title shown, Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Some are going as far as to say that Iwata and Reggie should be fired.

Woah, calm down. It's not like solar emissions are about to destroy all life on the planet.

Currently, the situation is this: A third of the people on the E3 2015 community on Miiverse are flaming Nintendo. The rest of us are trying to act mature. Nintendo has made poor showings before, and we didn't try killing them then. Months from now, hopefully we can all look back on this and laugh.

Hopefully. I'm not in very high spirits for this community. We're trying to control the flames, but they won't go out.

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