
The Final Tournament

Hello everyone, I've returned from the forensics state championships.

Unfortunately, I failed to reach semifinals in radio. I blame this on the fact that one of my judges completely missed the fact that my radio station was a parody of NPR, but I'm not disappointed. I'm quite relieved, really. Now that this tournament is over, I can finally rest. Just in time for the end-of-year slump, where I'll probably have to spend entire weekends working on homework. But that's a blog post for later...

One of our duo pairs landed 5th place in their event, and our team managed to hit 5th place in our grouping for sweepstakes. Overall, our team has done quite well.

This was the final tournament for our only senior. On the bus ride home, we talked about our past experiences with her. Unfortunately, I get the short end of the stick, only having the privilege of knowing her for just a year. I tried to mentally rehearse my speech, but I've never seen a moment when mental rehearsal works. At least when I got stuck, I had an idea which allowed me to use this to drive my points further. I look up to her, to her wit, to the way she can easily run a speech without getting stuck like me. After my speech, I spent the following hour trying not to vomit. (Coach, if you happen to be reading our blog: First, thank you for taking the time to read this blog, and second, a quick reminder not to visit Jack-in-the-Box next year after State. I honestly think Burger King is more tolerable)

Overall, there's not really much I can say about this tournament. I did okay, our team did great, and that's really all I can say about it. Now that the final tournament is over, I need rest.

Buuuuuuuuut... I won't get any. Tune in to my next blog post to learn why.

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