
New Dog

     New dogs are like babies, there always hungry, crying for attention almost all day, and they always are having to go to the bathroom. But also like a baby. there full of joy and bring everybody happiness. My grandpa just acquired a Chocolate lab and it the most awesome dog you could ever imagine. But like any new dog, it takes a little bit of training to get it to behave right. The first habit the dog has we have been trying to break is getting it to quit biting. It likes to nibble on feet, hands and whatever will fit in its mouth. I like this dog because it has such a happy, playful spirit. it will play for ever if you continue to throw a ball or stick. Now this dog has a lot of good influences. my grandpa currently has to yellow labs to kind of mentor it. And I find this dog as a very good example of life, how sometimes you just have to follow the ones who know more than you and have experienced life how it is. Sometimes you need good role-models to mold your own life in to. I find this dog as an example on how some people should live their lives.

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