

Every year, at least once or twice, we visit Hawaii to check on our Obachan. Lately, many of our different traditions have been shut down (Such as the time they shut down the awesome geek store, Toys & Joys), but we always have something on our agenda. Our agenda consists of this:

  • Visit Waihola Shave-Ice
  • Visit Ala-Moana Center and get stuff
  • Visit Kahala Mall and visit a few places (Unfortunately, the Barnes & Nobel here closed)
  • Visit the beach (Thank goodness the water is warmer than that of ours)
  • Anything new our parents come up with
  • Get malasadas at Leonard's
  • Just sit indoors and play video games
  • Drive around the island

And on special occasions, we add these to our agenda:
  • If it's on, visit the Okinawa Festival (I forget what they're really called, but those donuts are AWESOME)
  • Hanauma bay (Of course, it's normally quite crowded)
And most importantly, do this while doing as best as we can to avoid looking like tourists. We don't do the whole "Waikiki beach resort" song and dance- We sleep at our Obachan's house, we eat reheated donuts for breakfast, we go to the mall, we occasionally get stuff for house maintenance (There's a few things falling apart, and the flickering and sputtering of the lights sometimes scare me), etc. It's just like a second home.

Besides, I don't really get the point of touristy stuff. You're just looking at something and buying memorabilia. I like to actually DO stuff.

Really, this trip has been held back a bit- Originally, we were planning to do this at the end of Winter Break, when our dad was off-call. They redirected it after they heard how awesome of a tournament Pacific was. (LIES) I honestly expected this trip to come in conflict with another event, causing us to push it back once again. I was half-right, we'll be going on Thursday, but I'll be missing the spring band concert. Oh well, I need the break. I've noticed myself becoming slightly more clumsy and exhausted over time... I don't believe anyone's noticed, and they'd probably shrug it off, saying I should keep doing what I'm doing regardless. That's what they keep saying. But I'm getting off topic here.

Regular posting will resume from me after Spring Break.