
Winter Break: A Summary

Today is January 3rd, the second-to-last day of winter break. I got some good rest, but I still don't feel completely refreshed. See, there was a lot I was working on this break. I have a Scratch project that I'm hoping to get completed (for those who've never heard, Scratch is this online programming website that I use), but that's just a side project. If my productivity drops to zero, there aren't too serious consequences. But then, next weekend, there's another forensics tournament I need to attend, at Pacific University. I'm going to be debating again. And if you remember my previous whine rant about debate, you know that we don't get along.
So, for most of the break, I've been doing lots of debate prep, memorizing my expos (it STILL isn't memorized yet), and also reading up for my driver's permit. Thankfully, I got the last one done. So, if you see someone in a white Civic who doesn't know what he's doing, there's a 1% chance that you just found me in the real world. Otherwise, it was a fun break. Christmas (Or as I'm calling it, "Anti-Productivity Day", because that's the day my productivity almost dropped to zero) brought some decent spoils. Of special note are the clip-on earbuds, which I can wear without worrying that they'll fall out, a bottle of tabasco in my stocking, Hyrule Warriors and Super Smash Bros, and a PS4. We kinda had trouble setting it up, what with Lizard Squad hacking PSN and XBLA. Oh well, at least they left Nintendo alone. All in all, this break was exhausting, but perhaps the most happened this break compared to other breaks. Now, I need to quit procrastinating on the debate case I should be writing as I type this up.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your in the moment posts. It lets readers see a slice of life.
