

Starting last year, I've kept a book that I call my "Quote book" with me at all times.
If someone says something funny, I write it down.
If someone says something interesting, I write it down.
I've found that they are quite fun to look through and read, and remember all of the "had-to-have-been-there" moments.
What I also like about it is I can hold it against my teachers and peers. They say a lot of things, and a lot of times they don't realize what they are saying.
Mr. Parrish, my English teacher, is now sure to be extra careful about what he says in 7th Period.

"I eat caterpillars."
-Mr. Parrish

"Nothing on your phone is more interesting than me."
-Mr. Line

"If you don't know how to do it, do it wrong. Do it TOTALLY wrong."
-Mr. Guthrie

"I'm too strong to yawn."
-Sr. Montiel

"Order is beautiful."
-Mr. Miles

Ask me about my quote book for more!



  1. You need to tell us more quotes from your quote book! I love them!

  2. A few years ago, at a conference, a presenter brought up this very point. Often we say things which seem insignificant at the moment to us, but to a listener in the right mindset, the same words may be unforgettable and have a lasting impact. Since then, I try to keep this in mind when I deal with my kids and students and its a good thing to keep in mind when dealing with people in general.

  3. That is the coolest thing ever. Please include more. They are funny!
