
The Season of the Holidays

Starting sometime in November, the holiday season officially begins as nog is distributed in stores. The shelf time dedicated to nog is known as the Season of Nog.

Eventually, we soon enter the Season of Thanksgiving. Turkey, pie, cranberries... Full of delicious food with so much variety that no one is left out. Unless, of course, you don't like vegetables, you're a vegetarian, and you don't like pie all at once. Of course, the chances of that are slim. I've yet to meet a human being who doesn't like pumpkin pie.

In December, we enter the season of snow the season of rain. Coos Bay doesn't get snow. Through the 15 years I've been alive, I've never seen snow on a December day. I've seen snow in November (I think it was November), I've seen snow in January. But never have I seen snow in December. Only rain. And occasionally freak 30-second hailstorms.

T'here's a Season of Holiday Presents during this time as well, around November and December. This is the time when people buy presents for children to find on Christmas day. As such, many companies release their goods around the Holiday Season. Most of us specifically watch Nintendo- This year, on November 21, they'll be launching 2 heavily anticipated games (3 if you count the Pokémon versions separately) on the exact same day. And we'll be seeing more great stuff from them soon.

Then, everyone gets a multiple week break, the Season of the Winter Break. School is off, so children everywhere take a vacation or just sleep, and enjoy their Christmas and New Year. Everyone takes a break except the people from forensics, we have a tournament right after the break so we have to spend our entire break working.

All of these seasons, counted as a single season, constitute the Season of the Holidays.

-Happy Holidays from the Trickmaster Heartless, Rapid