
Current Events (Polititcs)

One big thing I think that effects teens in our lives is the recent election of government officials. We also voted on measures to change the way we do things. I may not be old enough to vote yet, but it doesn't mean it doesn't effect me. One measure that was up for vote in my state is the requirement to label GMO's. They are saying that it could either raise the price of foods, but other people are saying that will stay the same. I'm not totally decided on the matter, but the way it would effect me is if it does raise the prices, it would make it harder for people like my family and other to buy groceries, making it harder to be able to afford every-day things. So far, nobody has been affected by this, but you never know with these things, people's sides and opinions change.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, GMOs. I remember how we were debating this topic in Public Forum in the Ashland forensics meet. I don't remember if food prices was an easily refutable argument or not.
