
A Deeper Understanding

 When you look around what do you see?
  You see the grumpy old teacher, whom you thinks life goal is for him to yell at you and give you extra algebra 2 homework.
Like you really need that. 
 You see the girl who, every time you say hi just trying to be nice, glares at you, with such ferocity it would seem that you killed her family.
 You see the loner kid of the class, he never talks. To anyone. Yet he is brilliant.
 You see class clown. He always gets in trouble (mostly because of the grumpy old teacher,) and yet still laughs like it's his job. But there's just something off about him.
You see the most popular boy in school. It seems that he has it all together, but maybe there's something, big or little, that makes his life complete chaos. 
 And then there are the siblings. They have been side by side their entire lives, building each other up to greatness. But yet somehow they seem to never be truly happy.
  Finally, there are the ordinary people. They really don't have any ups and downs. They just exist.
 What you don't notice when you look around at the people you are surrounded by is this; That teacher, the one you thinks hates you, he doesn't wear his wedding ring anymore.
  That girl who is just pissed at the world, she cuts herself every night because she doesn't believe she is worth it.
  That loner kid, he is blamed by his own father every night, because at birth he survived and his mother did not. He isn't confident. And nobody's there to build any of that confidence up.
  That class clown, he lives in a foster home with 22 other youth, he acts out to get attention because that's the only time he is going to get any.
  The most popular boy in school, he really doesn't have his life together at all. He puts up a front. Hides the fact that his moms in jail and dads a drunk just to feel like he has a normal life for seven hours of the day.
  The siblings, well what would you expect? They constantly have to live up to one another. Stress controls them, takes them over and turns them into people they aren't deep down.
   The ordinary people. They do exist, but maybe they don't feel like they do. Maybe they don't feel like they do because nothing about them is special. They have a boring family, average grades, no talents, and no social life, really. These people don't realize that although they aren't extraordinary in their own eyes, something, just something, makes them unique.
  So yeah, everyone's got their imperfections or whatever you want to call them. But before you judge someone, make it your goal to understand them. That's really all it takes. You could live in a whole other world if you just open your eyes to the truth of things. It just takes some personal effort.

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