
Dimensional Travel Log 004

Just recently have I come across a startling new discovery. And yet, as I discover one new thing, many more questions have surfaced. On my travels, I was recently besieged by an unusual species. As I study them more, I only understand them less. What are these creatures? Why do they follow me so intently?

Physically, these creatures are nothing that I have never even imagined before. They are of a light-bluish hue, transparent in structure. Their composition resembles some type of crystal, glassy and smooth to the touch. Inside, they have a large, red crystal- maybe a heart? Or a power source, considering the inorganic nature of these beings? My guess is, the red core is the creature itself; it seems to be able to retract it's crystalline shell for aerial mobility. It can then reform itself in multiple different shapes. Some vaguely humanoid, others resembling machines. But what really puzzles me is their behavior. They move in a pack, only branching from the group to scope an area for their target. They seem drawn to the energy source of my device, a large, slightly flat, hexagonal crystal of unknown origin- Are they possibly related? If so, that would explain why these creatures have the power to travel across worlds to stalk their target.  Conventional weaponry is not very effective against these creatures. Their crystalline shell is highly resistant against weapons of all kinds. I've tried swords, firearms, bows, magic abilities, rocket launchers, small mecha, etc. Even a few summon attacks barely chip it. (Except the Knights of the Round Materia, but that destroys everything) However, I have learned one thing- the red core is the weak spot. Apparently, the red core is actually a thin, crystal shell containing a strange, etherial red essence, which, when broken, is released and decomposed by the Normality Field.

This is what I've theorized about these beings so far: These creatures do not originate from any world in particular. They are the essence of corrupted data from the worlds. How they were formed, I cannot yet answer- maybe a huge cataclysm eons ago. They remain sentient, but are controlled by a single mind somewhere out there. This is as much as I have gathered about these beings. But I must end this entry here. They've found me again.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for a lack of an update last weekend, I had business to attend to. I won't have an update next weekend either, I've got a forensics tournament.

    Also, bonus points to anyone who gets the "Knights of the Round" joke.
