
Dimensional Travel Log 003

It is the natural cycle of life for things to be born only to die at a later date. Worlds are just like that. This is one fact about the worlds that you have already discovered, or at least theorized about. In the famous problem, a cat is placed in a box with a random item that will kill it when it is knocked over. Is the cat alive, or dead? Many speculate that it is decided and fixed when you open the box. Others say that the world splits into two when it is opened. Most agree that the cat is neither alive nor dead, and that it is not yet decided. This is how new worlds are created- Any time a single variable can change the flow of a world, whether it is small or immense, the world duplicates.
This happens an infinite amount of times over an infinitieth of a second. During my travels, I have noticed something interesting: It seems that the worlds are on multiple different axes, with separate worlds on a similar strand slightly linked, not enough for ordinary travel, but enough for the special type of interdimensional travel that I use. Worlds on an axis close to other versions of it are usually quite similar, or at least close in where they diverge from their original version. Regardless of closeness, one small change can shape the course of it's history, changing it in a matter of years, which isn't much time in the grand scheme of things. Worlds created around the same time usually link to themselves. This could also explain the general absence of dimensional travel. Among my research, I have noticed remains of a great war across multiple worlds. Some may assume that these were remnants of a separate war altogether, but certain details seem similar. For example, entire kingdoms fell to small bands ranging around 100 men. These men wore glistening, silver armor and weaponry which seemed to be almost indestructible. Unfortunately  I have not unearthed much information on the matter. More research must be done to fully understand the secrets between these worlds...

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