
Dimensional Travel Log 001

What other worlds are out there? How do these worlds work? How can we connect them? That is a question I have set out to answer. My name is Rapid, and I am a dimensional traveler, for lack of a better term. But these worlds aren't so much "dimensions" as "other realities", confining to their own rules of logic. Worlds in an eternal age of heroes, worlds with monsters in capsules, worlds with people very much like the ones that inhabit this world...

In these documents, I will be sharing my knowledge of what I know about the worlds around us. You may not believe what I write, or if I even exist. But what I tell you is true. Whether or not you believe what I say is your choice. Truthfully, some of these truths may be best left untold. Forgotten, even. Dangerous in the wrong hands. But I must reveal these truths, so that one can use them to protect this world, should one be foolish enough to submit to a lust for power. Some of these truths may be abstract and hard to understand; some may even be familiar. And while they may seem untrue or trivial, keep this knowledge with you in case we befall a terrible fate. So read on, with an open mind and heart. This is the truth which all existence is governed by...

First, a basic understanding of the worlds around us is necessary. The first and hardest fact to believe in is the existence of other realities, infinite in size and separate from ours. If you can believe this fact, then it will be easy to understand the rest of what I tell you. Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide hard, physical evidence of the existence of other worlds. These worlds are separate in such a way that no world knows of the other. Which may be a good thing, in spite of past events, but I digress. Each world is governed by it's own laws of nature. While travel between worlds is possible, it is quite challenging- if you can find a way to leave the physical boundaries of the world, which is a challenge in itself, you need to somehow figure out a way to enter the other world without it's laws of logic rejecting you. Each world is covered in an atmospheric-like field which governs how it operates, and what is deemed "normal". This field, which I call the "Normality Field" can be looser in more fantastic worlds, while it's stricter and more complicated in worlds like your own. These fields act similar to antibodies in the way that they're made to prevent otherworldly and possible hostile beings from entering and causing discord. The stranger the world seems, the looser it must be to compensate. This can be dangerous, as it means that these worlds can be easier to enter allowing for easier infiltration from other worlds. Thankfully, very few worlds have the ability to travel between realities... But how does one like me manage to travel between worlds? My method is a rather crude method, which is usually painful and lengthy. However, while it takes around an hour in real time, the travel feels instantaneous. By encoding myself and transmitting it across worlds, and with a special modification to myself which allows me to bypass the Normality Field, I can travel to whichever world I want, should range and power allow. It's an energy-consuming process, which I why I must stay here for a few weeks in order to recharge my travel device. This is a process which I call "Jumping" as it allows me to jump from one world to the next. This concept has been demonstrated multiple times in your culture; the most prominent example from the film Wreck-It Ralph where characters are interconnected from their own personal worlds through the use of electrical cables. Is it coincidence, then, that most worlds I visit are represented as video games in this world? It may be a coincidence, or a hint of events to come, but I cannot say.

-End of log 001


  1. So yeah, this will be a little mini-series that I write every weekend. There's a deep backstory behind it, so study every detail clearly.

  2. I an looking forward to the next installment.
