
Profile: TrickmasterRapid

If you recognize this as that one boss from Kingdom Hearts, bonus points to you
Trickmaster Rapid is a Trickmaster Heartless wandering about Wonderland. He doesn't actually attack anyone- unlike other Heartless, he doesn't seek out the hearts of others, seemingly taking the original Rapid's pacifistic trait. As the Heartless of Rapid, since Rapid takes his traits from a real person behind a computer, he is similar to Rapid's trainer in a way. Trickster Rapid is shy and introverted "socially paranoid", and avoids people just like his real-world counterpart. However, he is surprisingly active online. (Yeah, they have internet down there) His real-world counterpart is also an avid gamer, and generally makes video game related jokes and references that generally no one gets. (Such as this one.) He's also the guy who comments on everyone's posts.

Rapid is the world's fastest Emboar, and the internet version of a real person behind a computer. One day, ending up in Wonderland, Rapid ended up getting swallowed up by darkness and turned into a Heartless. However, because he doesn't confirm to the laws from this world (He's from another world, that makes things complicated in other worlds, something to do with normality), he didn't have a heart. Thus, he got away perfectly fine. He's currently back in the real world, wondering who the heck wrote this illogical backstory. Oh wait...


  1. I've got two bios here because absolutely no one will understand this messed-up backstory without it. They probably won't understand it even with it, though.

  2. Maybe a librarian would get it. Perhaps a teacher, or a thinker, or an intellectually curious seeker of literature. To understand is all relative, my friend. Kudos on your enigmatic blog!!

    1. Maybe. It'd probably have to be a seeker of gaming literature. This story is part gaming lore, part my own, personal, twisted imagination. As far as I know, no one who's been to this blog has played Kingdom Hearts.
