

On a boring day like this 
I feel like doing something 
But I can’t  
Because I’m ordinary 
And I’m in stupid math class 
In a falling apart 
72-year-old school 
In a stupid little town 
Where our only fame  
was born from a  
Long distance runner 
Who died 
Drunk driving.  
But he had cool hair. 
All you have to do  
Is get people’s attention 
By being the absolute best 
The most impressive 
Over all the rest 
To the people who can throw the football the farthest; 
Run the fastest; 
You lucked out. 
To the people who can scrawl some words on a page 
And leave the reader’s mouth hanging open; 
Go for it.  
Because there’s still those people  
Sitting around  
Who were always only halfway 
To life’s expectations.  
When asked what their hobbies were, 
All they could ever think of was 
Because it’s better than being empty. 
Because it’s better than being awake. 
And living out those glorious days where you don’t have those urges 
To punch everyone in the face. 
To all those people; 
You’re not alone.